Friday, February 27, 2009

this ain't your mother's radio

Recently, I was introduced to something called Pandora. It's an internet radio station.

I like music. I just don't know what I like. I don't know the names of bands, or songs, or song writers. When it comes to music, I'm an idiot. Well, no more.

This Pandora thing asks me to name a style of music I like, or musician, or song. So, I just put in one I like and they take care of the rest. Through something called the Music Genome Project, they've been able to figure out other music I'll like based on my request and they mix it for me. I don't have to know anything.

And, as I hear a song I really like, I can identify the artist and then enter that name to add more music I'll like. It's hard to explain, but easy to like. Try it, you'll like it. You'll thank me later.


  1. Pandora is pretty cool. I have downloaded their appl iphone app version.

  2. I need Pandora!! Thanks for the heads-up!!


  3. CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! It's only available to people in the US :-( Boooooo!!!!

