I spent my night, last night, scurrying through airports trying to get to Savannah, Georgia. I arrived in Atlanta at 2:30 a.m. due to a variety of plane reasons and was able to get to my hotel, and fall asleep around 3:30. I set my alarm to 6:30 and set off for Savannah.
Despite just getting three hours of sleep, I felt refreshed and ready to go. Why? Because I was going to SCAD, the Savannah College of Art and Design, to act as a mentor in a project where their furniture design students were going to present their best ideas for me to critique.
Now, I grew up on a turkey farm and have no formal design training, except experience. And yet, Antonio Larosa, a renowned furniture designer and chair of the department, asked me to share my ideas with his students.
He told me he cancelled a project with Natuzzi, the great Italian leather company to work with me. An honor? I’m pinching myself.
But, this isn’t about me; it’s about the students. And, he wanted me to give his students the unvarnished truth.
What a day! These students modeled and graphed and researched and contemplated and presented. Smart doesn’t begin to describe the quality and talent of these kids.
I felt so proud to be in this room, with this much passion and talent all around me.
Was it worth it? Youbetcha.